© Arte | Fotografía: Imprenta Grafika 602-435-5535
King Tacos de Res o Pollo.......................................................................$8.99
Grilled steak or chicken breast mixed with grilled onions,  jalapeños  and melted cheese, served on two  flour tortillas,  come  with  rice and guacamole.

Milanesa de Res o Pollo..........................................................................$8.25
Two breaded beef or chicken breast tacos with lettuce, chipotle dressing, guacamole and side of beans on the side.

Two smoked pork chop tacos with onions,jalapeños, lettuce, chipotle dressing, guacamole ,side of beans and rice on the side.
Updated 2/20/2016
Mexico City Style Cooking
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For Pick up only
Order by Phone:
(480) 491-1314